Successful meetings through modern meeting design
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Meeting Design
Creative ideas for successful meetings
Meetings are only successful if the entire process, the objectives and the participants are considered as a whole.
The meeting must enable extraordinary and sustainable experiences. The learning process must not only cover the cognitive level.
The aim of an appropriate meeting design is to optimise the result in terms of time and costs.
Our concepts increase efficiency and guarantee extraordinary learning success. They actively involve participants and enable a creative approach to using rooms and technology flexibly.
Discover our wide range of available meeting tools (see below for examples) and get inspired on how to increase the return on investment of your next meeting:
Move away from one-way communication towards actively engaged participants.
Pecha Kucha format:
The aim of this format is to avoid a slide battle. The rule is simple: the speaker may only use up to a maximum of 20 slides with a maximum speaking time of 20 seconds per slide.
In this way, the speaker is forced to talk only about the really important content, and in a way that keeps the audience's attention by limiting the speaking time.
Open Space:
An Open Space conference begins without a predetermined agenda. The first step is therefore to let the audience create the agenda themselves. Each participant can write a topic on a large white paper wall. The programme is developed on this wall. The seating arrangement in the seminar rooms refers to the agreed topics (one round table, one topic). The great advantage of this format is that the topics discussed are relevant to at least part of the audience. A problem presented for discussion may already have been solved by another conference participant. The more participants, the more knowledge can be contributed to the discussion rounds.
World Café:
Do you have small project teams in your company that want to achieve measurable results in a short space of time? The World Café creates a relaxed, coffee house-like atmosphere. Specific topics are dealt with in sessions lasting a maximum of 30 minutes. After each round of discussions, the participants move to a different table. Would you like to promote a dynamic and efficient exchange between your employees? The World Café enables creative and high-quality solutions involving all employees.
Fish Bowl:
Want to participate instead of switching off? The Fish Bowl enables creative thinking through a high degree of interaction. A small group discusses their topic in a circle. The others sit around it and follow the discussion. If someone from outside wants to make a contribution, they can swap places with a member of the inner circle. Alternating between the role of listener and active speaker allows the participants' own and others' ideas to emerge and be reflected upon. Fish Bowl enables the differentiation of points of view and thus promotes opinion-forming and clarification processes.
Future workshop:
Would you like to develop a new company mission statement or rethink your long-term corporate strategy? The future workshop starts by critically analysing the status quo. The fantasy phase builds on this, in which various brainstorming methods (e.g. mind mapping, Disney method, 6 hats according to De Bono) are used to develop even utopian ideas. The final structuring and realisation phase reflects on the feasibility and determines the concrete procedure.
The Wisdom Council:
Would you like to finally resolve a deadlocked conflict? The Wisdom Council, a group of e.g. 8 randomly selected employees, discusses the conflict issue with the support of a facilitator. They then present their findings and recommendations to the colleagues affected by the conflict (possibly the entire organisation). The recommendations are then reviewed in the World Cafe with the participation of the entire group.
Are you interested in finding out more about our innovative meeting formats? Please call us on +49 (0)40 70 12 18 70 or send us an email.
"Are you looking for innovative ideas for the development of your company? The best resources are your employees. Utilise their experience and ingenuity to generate new ideas. We can advise you on what you can achieve with the various workshop formats."

Martin Eckhardt